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ACC Leaderships Response to COVID-19

In the interest of keeping everyone as safe as possible 

worship and all activities have been canceled indefinitely. 

The leadership of Ashland Christian Church will be monitoring the unfolding 

COVID-19 pandemic and make decisions regarding worship services  for March 22, 2020.

"What Does Love Require?"

As the leaders of Ashland Christian Church have prayerfully considered best practices to keep everyone safe during this time I found these words written by  

Rev. David Shirey of Central Christian Church in Lexington, KY explaining

the rationale behind canceling worship at their church by asking one question, 

“In this circumstance, what does love require?” 


“1. Love requires us to protect the vulnerable. 

This virus puts the elderly and people with compromised health conditions at special risk. Cancelling corporate worship this Sunday …safeguards our most vulnerable.


2. Love calls for us to seek the common good. 

By voluntarily taking a sacrificial action such as cancelling corporate worship, we love our neighbors by doing our part to take an action that we hope will slow down the spread of the virus, thereby preventing as-yet-healthy persons from contracting the virus or making it easier for infected persons who may not yet know of the infection to spread it unknowingly to others.


3. Love calls for us to act in solidarity with persons of good will. 

Heeding… the best wisdom of public health officials, we join a community-, state-, nation- and worldwide coalition of concerted caring whose cooperative efforts perpetuate the well-being of all people. 


4. Love calls for actions that minimize regret. 

If we were to proceed with events or activities that lead to the infection of persons or the unwitting spread of the virus, we would rue the decision to proceed with “business as usual” when we could have chosen otherwise. Though it is debatable whether faith communities canceling their services this weekend will indeed make a difference for the good, we can proceed with this decision knowing we did not choose to disregard or ignore this call for vigilance and caution.”


The leaders of Ashland Christian Church have thoughtfully considered how to best love our church family and our neighbors and have made the difficult decision to cancel worship. 


We are holding you and your loved ones in prayer during these uncertain times. 

I am available for pastoral care at


In the hope of God, 


A Message from our General Minister & President

Church Office Hours:

Tuesday- Friday: 8:30am - 1:00pm (closed on Monday)

Minister Hours:

Tuesday & Thursday: 9:30am - 3:00pm



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